BOC Business Outreach Centers
Located throughout New York City, Long Island, and Newark, New Jersey, our network of Business Outreach Centers, or BOCs, offers help, guidance, information, and support for your enterprise.
BOC’s Entrepreneurship Assistance Centers (EAC) provide instruction, training, technical assistance, and support services to new and aspiring entrepreneurs.
Each BOC Entrepreneurship Assistance Center supports entrepreneurs and small business owners through holistic training and hands-on coaching as well as ongoing and continued technical assistance to program graduates.
With Centers in the Bronx, Harlem, and Queens, BOC Network assists entrepreneurs and small business owners in developing business management skills, refining a business concept and business plan, early-stage marketing plans, and obtaining business financing.
In-depth services, including training, counseling, and assistance are offered in English and Spanish on:
BOC’s Entrepreneurship Assistance Centers are dedicated to:
Clarabel Abreu, Owner, Generácion 2000, Queens
Find out how BOC can support
your business.