BOC Business Outreach Centers
Located throughout New York City, Long Island, and Newark, New Jersey, our network of Business Outreach Centers, or BOCs, offers help, guidance, information, and support for your enterprise.
Proven to give entrepreneurs the edge they need to transform into highly-skilled business leaders and financial managers.
Improve your knowledge of financing options for your business for free!
What you get:
Learn how to improve your credit and understand its impact on your business through workshops and one-on-one sessions with a certified financial counselor.
What you get:
Participate in up to three personal one-on-one financial counseling sessions with a certified financial counselor: Post-Workshop Resources
Learn how to promote your business, negotiate, and build leadership skills.
What you get:
Before you join us at the first session, check out this free tool to describe, design, challenge, invent, and pivot your business model: Pre-Workshop Activity
After completing WE Master Leadership, you’ll be ready to explore these resources: Post-Workshop Resources
Clarabel Abreu, Owner, Generácion 2000, Queens
Find out how BOC can support
your business.