Build Your Business

Help for start-up and early-stage businesses.

At BOC Network,  we know that the initial stages of entrepreneurship can be difficult to navigate alone. Through our extensive programming and partnerships, we offer free, bilingual resources, technical assistance, and access to capital to benefit aspiring entrepreneurs with starting their own businesses. 

At BOC Network, we can help you with: 

  • Individualized needs assessment
  • Bilingual business counseling, mentoring, and training
  • Developing your business idea and business plan
  • Identifying and marketing to your customers
  • Developing start-up and operating budgets
  • Accessing loan and grant opportunities
  • Gaining personalized credit counseling
  • Establishing your business structure
  • Accessing free legal assistance
  • Technology tools for small business
  • Marketing and pricing your products and services
  • Licensing and permit information
  • Gaining skills for recordkeeping and accounting
  • Establish a website and build a digital presence
  • Preparing to sell online
  • Being bankable
  • Child Care / Family Daycare business development
Awardee Laci Chisholm

BOC Business Outreach Centers

Located throughout New York City, Long Island, and Newark, New Jersey, our network of Business Outreach Centers, or BOCs, offers help, guidance, information, and support for your enterprise.

Champagnie Dawkins

Entrepreneurship Assistance Centers

BOC’s Entrepreneurship Assistance Centers (EAC) provide instruction, training, technical assistance, and support services to new and aspiring entrepreneurs.

"I want to thank the Queens BOC for all the help they gave my husband and myself in going forward with our business."

Clarabel Abreu, Owner, Generácion 2000, Queens

Contact Us

Help for start-up and early-stage businesses.

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