BOC Business Outreach Centers
Located throughout New York City, Long Island, and Newark, New Jersey, our network of Business Outreach Centers, or BOCs, offers help, guidance, information, and support for your enterprise.
Help for start-up and early-stage businesses.
At BOC Network, we know that the initial stages of entrepreneurship can be difficult to navigate alone. Through our extensive programming and partnerships, we offer free, bilingual resources, technical assistance, and access to capital to benefit aspiring entrepreneurs with starting their own businesses.
At BOC Network, we can help you with:
Located throughout New York City, Long Island, and Newark, New Jersey, our network of Business Outreach Centers, or BOCs, offers help, guidance, information, and support for your enterprise.
BOC’s Entrepreneurship Assistance Centers (EAC) provide instruction, training, technical assistance, and support services to new and aspiring entrepreneurs.
Clarabel Abreu, Owner, Generácion 2000, Queens
Help for start-up and early-stage businesses.